Abington Street Hockey League is a non-check version of street hockey where young players can foster a love for the game and develop their skills. The league consists of 6 regular season games beginning in July. Playoffs will take place in a 7th week in a one-loss elimination format culminating with each divisions "Cup". Each team in each division will make the playoffs. The league is available for children leading into 8th Grade (children from birth years 2010 thru 2018), all skill levels are welcome.

Be aware, there will be some upcoming changes to ASHL League in 2024;

  • Two years running, week 1 will start a bit earlier in the summer. The first week will be communicated shortly.

  • REMINDER: Slap shots not permitted.

  • REMINDER: Helmets with face shields/cages were required last year and will continue to be in 2024.

  • REMINDER: ASHL is open to Abington residents only.

Many thanks to our 2023 Sponsors, please consider their services and keep your support local!